Friday, April 30, 2010

The Little Nine Heavens Form: Movement 8

8. 卧虎跳涧 Wò Hŭ Tiào Jĭàn
Crouch Tiger, Jump the Brook

    Take a leaping step forward with your left foot.
(Picture 8a)

    As you put your left foot down, pivot on the heel and leap forward again, turning your body to face North. Make sure you jump pretty high off the floor on this step.
(Picture 8b)

     As your right foot sets down, once again pivot on the heel to face South.
(Picture 8c)

    Set your left foot down to the East and a little to the North and swing around into a left Bow Stance, using the momentum to shift your weight forward as you push both palms straight ahead.
(Picture 8d)

Movement Notes:

    You may have noticed that Jump the Brook happens before Crouch Tiger, rather than in the same order as the movement name. Why name backwards? I don’t know.

    It is very important that in the middle part of the leap you lift up off the ground, high enough to clear something on the ground. For example, a prone body (hint).

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